The therapeutic properties of rosemary oil are analgesic, antidepressant,astringent, carminative, cephalic, cholagogue, cordial, digestive, diuretic,emmenagogue, hepatic, hypertensive, nervine, rubefacient, stimulant, sudorificand tonic.
Rosemary oil should not be used during pregnancy and is unsuitable forpeople with epilepsy or high blood pressure. For more information on please .
Rosemary oil is extracted from the fresh flowering tops by steamdistillation. It yields 1.0 - 2.0 %.
The name is derived from the Latin 'Rosmarinus' or 'sea dew', as it israther fond of water. The Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks and Romans considered theherb as sacred and even in the Middle Ages it was used to ward off evilsspirits and used as a protection against the plague. It was burnt in Frenchhospitals during epidemics.
it is a shrubby evergreen bush that grows up to 1.5 meters (4 feet) highwith green-gray needle-shaped leaves and pale blue/lilac flowers that bees justlove and is originally from Asia, but is now cultivated in France, Tunisia andYugoslavia.
This crisp and clean smelling essential oil is great for stimulating thebrain, improving memory and mental clarity, while helping with a variety ofcongested respiratory tract problems, stiff muscles, coldness as well asboosting the liver and gall bladder. It is also used for improving hair andscalp health.
Rosemary oil is extracted from Rosmarinus officinalis (alsoknown as Rosmarinus coronarium) of the Labiatae family and is also known asincensier.
Rosemary oil has a clear, powerful refreshing herbal smell, is clear in color and watery in viscosity.
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Raw Material: | Flowers |
Ingredient (Leaves): | Rosemary |
Brand Name: | Crystal |
Ingredient (Flowers): | Other |
Raw Material: | Flowers |
Type: | Pure Essential Oil |