For acne problems use along with Acne Care.
For enhanced better results use along with Silfina Metal DetoX"or "Blood cleaner.
Comments: These herbs have anti pruretic, anti allergic, antibacterial, antiseptic, fungicidal action. By massaging with this oil it will penetrate deeper in the skin and provides quick action.
Application: Oil should be applied twice a day locally and rub gently and keep it on 2 to 3 hours.
Possible Indication: Eczema, rashes, ring worm, boils, itching and burning sensation, paroaychia, prickly heat, skin disorder, dermatitis, impetigo, burn, etc.
Due to Kapha (water): The skin lesions due to Kapha (water) vitiation are glossy, large, raised, smooth, stable and have swollen edges of Whitish red shade covered with white rows of hair, with excessive thick white discharge, very moist, itchy and affected with parasites, slugging in spreading appearance and ulceration, commonly round in shape. The other features due to Kapha (water) predominance include coldness, itching, stability, thickness, elevation, increase of secretion, and excretion.
Due to Pitta (fire): The skin lesions due to Pitta (fire) vitiation are copper colored with cooper colored rough edges of hairs, dense, have plenty of thick discharge of pus, blood and lymph accompanied with itching, moisture, sloughing, burning and suppuration, softening, putrefaction, discharge, and redness.
Due to Vatta (air): The skin lesions due to vatta (Air) vitiation are dry, dusky-reddish in color and hard, unevenly spread, have rough edges, are thin, slightly elevated externally, numbed as if paralyzed, covered with bristling hair, afflicted with extreme piercing pain, have scanty purulent or serious discharge. The other features due to Vatta (air) predominance include roughness, dryness,pricking sensation, tremors, blisters, contraction, fatigue, rigidity, numbness, ulceration and fissures.
The symptoms due to different Doshas (humors) are as:
All the biological humors i.e. Vatta (Air), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Water) are involved in the pathogenesis of all the skin problems and the first part involved is outer skin. If not checked in first stage the skin problem may affect muscles, blood, and lymph.
Ayurvedic Concept:
Promotes skin health.
(Pitta (fire) massage Oil)
Natural Herbal Skin Care Oil.
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|Original Price - $19.95| Current Price - $9.95|
Silfina Oil
(For Massage & External use)
Category: Skin Care
100 ml (3.2 oz)
Price: $9.95
This Offer is now for Limited Time |
Natural Herbal Skin Care Oil.
(Pitta (fire) massage Oil)
Promotes skin health.