Lavender is perfectly safe to use at home and you don't need to be an expert in aromatherapy for it to be effective.
Lavender is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, anti-depressant, sedative and de-toxifier and it is able to aid healing and prevent scarring. Lavender is an exception to the other oils, in that it does not need to be diluted in a carrier oil because it is so gentle. It is also safe to use them on infants and children. Lavender is often used to treat scalds, minor burns, cuts, grazes, inflammation, eczema, dermatitis, fainting, headaches, insomnia, migraine, nausea, bacterial infection, acne, boils, rheumatism and arthritis. From the psychological angle, lavender reduces anxiety, stress and tension and therefore it is used for calming, soothing and relaxation. When using lavender for massage it will need to be diluted in a carrier oil such as grape seed or sweet almond oil. Massage is good for tense muscles, menstrual pain or mental fatigue. A few drops in a bath of warm water before bedtime will relieve anxiety and alleviate insomnia. On the other hand, having the bath water cool instead, will make you feel refreshed and energized. Lavender is also commonly used in oil burners and inhalation of its vapor has both calming and stimulating effects. Apply neat on any skin disorder (example: acne, cuts) to aid healing. Another way to use lavender is to put a drop or two on a handkerchief or tissue and smell it throughout the day to keep calm.
Lavender is one of the most versatile oils in aromatherapy and every home should own some. The oil is extracted from the flowering tips of the evergreen lavender shrub. Throughout history, lavender has been valued for its impressive healing properties and it was this oil, which brought about the revival of aromatherapy.
Lavender is one of the most versatile oils in aromatherapy and every home should own some
Raw Material: | Flowers |
Ingredient (Seeds): | Almond |
Ingredient (Flowers): | Lavender |