The oil is harvested and steam distilled annually from Melaleuca alternifolia, a small tree to 5m, which is indigenous to northern New South Wales. The Paperbark Co. has established the first
successful commercial tea tree plantation in the south west of Western Australia, producing premium grade tea tree oil. The Paperbark Co. Tea Tree Oil exceeds Australian and International Standards
for Melaleuca alternifolia oil. Terpinen-4-ol content is between 39 and 41% (ISO 4730 requires >30%), and 1,8-cineole is between 3 and 5% (ISO 4730 requires <15%). It is listed with the
Therapeutic Goods Administration, a legal requirement prior to marketing as a therapeutic good in Australia. Uniquely Australian, it is a safe, natural and effective antiseptic. Used for minor cuts
and wounds, bites, stings, abrasions, pimples and acne, gargle for sore throats, inhalant for nasal and sinus congestion, ulcers, cold sores, tinea and the list goes on! Scientific research dating
back to the 1920's and currently continuing confirms its antibacterial (antiseptic), antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Current research shows exciting results with cold sores
- with the oil indicating a decrease in the duration and severity of the viral sores. Long recognized for its healing properties, its use dates back to local aborigines, who, folklore has it, used
the crushed leaves as a poultice for cuts and wounds. Antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil were well recognized at the beginning of World War 2. In the 1970's, with a resurgence of
interest in natural medicines, the first plantation of tea trees was established in northern NSW, its natural habitat. Now used widely in Australia and numerous countries overseas. The oil is
marketed in Australia under The Paperbark Co. label, with TGA listing L:75680 Available in 25 ml bottles with larger quantities available to Practitioners and Therapists.
Uniquely Australian, it is a safe, natural and effective antiseptic.
tea tree oil
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