- Botanical name: Anethum graveolens
- Part of the plant distilled: seeds or leaves
- Quality: conventional
- Principal components: carvone, D- limonene
- Seedling period: spring
- Harvesting period: two months after the seedling
- Areas cultivated: Ukraine, Moldova
- Olfactive description: lemon effect, aniseed and rising
- Visual description: clear to yellow liquid
- Virtue: decongest lungs, stimulates the functions of the liver and the pancreas, facilitates digestion and wind elimination.
For further information and in order to use essential oil as therapeutic treatment, please consult a doctor.
- Use: Dill oil is used in the food industry, in perfumery, for therapeutic treatment and it is also a raw material for the production of natural dextro-carvonl.
Botanical name: Anethum graveolens
Part of the plant distilled: seeds or leaves