Mahanarayana oil is a classical ayurvedic external formulation consists of 70 herbs that are processed with milk and sesame oil on a low fire for several hours. This low fire heating process is
important to retain the potency and efficacy of the herbs. Sandhu's Mahanarayana Joint oil is prepared by following 100% traditional Ayurvedic procedure to improve bioavailability and assimilation
of vital nutrients. Massage with our oil helps to improve circulation arround the joints due to its quickly penetration through many layers of the skin.
It balances vata dosh, helps to reduce the stiffness of the joints and muscles.
It lubricate the joints.
It helps for immediate Joint stress and relief.
Joint Support, Joint Health, Stiff joints.
Main Ingredients: Withania Somnifora Dunal, Solanum Indicum, Tribulus Teretris, Erythrina Indica, Solanuam yanthcar, Boerhaavia Diffusa, Clerodendrum Phlomidis, Abutilion Indicum, Stereo Spermum,
Glycyrrhiza Glabra, Asparagus Raacemosis, Sesame oil, Cow Milk. Free from harsh chemicals, additives & hardening agents. No animal ingredients.
6.8 FL. OZ. (200 ml) - Ayurvedic.
Gently massage over body until evenly spread and absorbed. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE.
Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes or other sensitive areas and open wounds. Do not use on babies or children. Do not sawllow. Keep tightly closed.
For External Use Only.
Weight: 220 g