The oil is harvested and steam distilled from Leptospermum petersonii (lemon tea tree), a small shrub to 4m. Therapeutic properties of its constituents include anti-infectious, anti-viral,
anti-septic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, digestive stimulant - recommended for the treatment of oily skin and acne as well as for use in natural insect repellants. It is a wonderful air
cleanser, and has the ability to destroy moulds, fungi, bacteria and probably viruses. Used in a vaporiser, it diffused the air with a light, lemon scent. First harvest of The Paperbark Co. lemon
scented tea tree oil will be in late 2003 The oil is available in 15ml bottles with larger quantities available to Practitioners and Therapists. GCMS analysis will be available.
The oil is harvested and steam distilled from Leptospermum petersonii (lemon tea tree), a small shrub to 4m.
tea tree oil
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