Melissa Bulgaria Essential Oil
Name Melissa oil, Bulgaria
Category Essential Oils
Species Melissa officinalis L.,
fam. Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Part Flower/Leaf
Country Bulgaria
Melissa oil
l o v e A R O M A T H E R A P Y
The traditional empirical and anecdotal narrative for Melissa is that it has a calming yet uplifting effect on the emotions dealing with
hyper sensitive states. It is very soothing during states of shock , panic and hysteria. Offering comfort to the bereaved as they face loss
and sadness.
Melissa is from the Greek word for "bee". It is one of the earliest medicinal herbs. Paracelsus, a famous Swiss medic, called Melissa
allowing your own gentle rhythm to remove tensions and blocks which cause distress is our lives.
Caution: Never apply undiluted essential oil to the skin. Avoid during pregnancy