Canola oil contains no sodium.
Canola oil contains no cholesterol.
Canola oil is a rich source of Vitamin E.
100% pure Canola oil contains no additives or preservatives.
It has 11% Alpha-Linolenic Acid (an omega-3 Fatty Acid) which prevents clotting and blockage of arteries.
Canola oil helps emulsify or blend ingredients making it ideal for salad dressings, mayonnaise and peanut butter.
Canola oil can be used to grease cake pans and cookie sheets.
Saturated fat content in your baking can be lowered by replacing other fats with Canola oil.
Canola oil aids in blending dressing ingredients.
Canola oil does not separate from other salad dressing ingredients.
Canola oil remains free running when stored in the refrigerator.
Canola oil does not transfer food flavours in fondues or deep fryers. When oil is strained before reusing, it can be used over and over without transferring food flavours from one food to the next.
Canola oil is a highly favourable oil because it is light, clear and does not have a distinctive flavour.
Compared to most vegetable oils it is more stable when exposed to higher temperatures, light and air.
Canola oil has a high smoking point -238'C (460'F).
Canola oil has excellent stability and shelf life.
Canola oil is Canada,s most popular edible oil.
Canola oil is a high quality vegetable oil with lowest saturated fat.
Canola oil is an ideal cooking and salad oil.
Canola oil is an ideal cooking and salad oil. It is a high quality vegetable oil with lowest saturated fat.