It imparts a balancing effect and combats spells of pessimisim. A relaxant and tonic , Bergamot Oil can ease sleep disturbance and nervous tension . Its antiseptic property is efficacious for
eruptions like acne and boils . It alleviates complaints of the skin , like an oily complexion , eczema , scabies, insect bites , and cuts . Direct application to the skin should be avoided , it
may result in phototoxity. It is especially suitable as a disinfectant for cysts and ailments of the urinary system. It alleviates muscle tension and activate the kidneys and the functions of the
glands above the kidneys. Bergamot Oil stimulates the appetite and is known to stimulate bile secretion. The fragrance of Bergamot Oil stimulates the glands acts as an insect repellant. Caution:
Bergamot Oil stimulates the glands heightens the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. Because it may cause problems of skin pigmentation , one should avoid exposure to the sun after application to
the or while sunbathing. It should be used only in a diluted from . It is unsuitable for use with sensitive skin.
Instructions for Usage: . Compress . Inhalation
15 ml
Bergamot Oil is exracted by cold press from rind of fruit that is nearly ripe.