Mandarin Essential Oil
Name Mandarin oil, Red, Italy
Category Essential Oils
Species Citrus deliciosa Tenore (C.
reticulata Blanco) var. Pongan,
fam. Rutaceae
Part Peel
Method Cold Pressed
Class Monoterpene
Country Italy
Mandarin oil
The traditional empirical and anecdotal narrative for Mandarin is that its exquisite uplifting aroma helps to dispel depression,
intolerance and anxiety. Ideal for the hard-working, over-achieving perfectionist.
Often referred to as the "little heart of the sun", it is thought to shed light on the drudgeries of everyday tasks and routines.
Reawakening our sense of joy, it assists with clarifying our personal direction, concepts and visions. Mandarin's nature is to instill our
sense of respect for ourselves and all life forms.
Caution: Never apply undiluted essential oils to the skin. Do not apply before direct exposure to the sun it increases photo sensitivity.
Dilute before applying to the skin or taking in a bath.