Elemi (Canarium luzonicum) is distilled from the gum of a tree originating in the Philippines. Traditionally, it has been used in Europe in salves for the skin and is included in celebrated healing
ointments such as baume paralytique. Elemi was used by 17th-century physician J. J. Wecker on the battle wounds of soldiers. It belongs to the same botanical family (Burseraceae) as frankincense
and myrrh. Elemi is highly regarded today for soothing muscles pain associated with exercise and for protecting the skin.* How to use: Apply topically or diffuse. May be added to food or soy or
rice milk as a dietary supplement. 15 ml. Order Code #3540, Customer Price: $19.41 Preferred Customer Price: $17.08 Wholesale: $14.75
Elemi (Canarium luzonicum) is distilled from the gum of a tree originating in the Philippines.