Lime Essential Oil
Name Lime oil, Persian
Category Essential Oils
Species Citrus aurantifolia
(Christm. et Panz) Swingle,
fam. Rutaceae
Part Peel
Country Brazil
Code CitAuE2
Lime oil
l o v e A R O M A T H E R A P Y
The traditional empirical and anecdotal narrative for Lime is that it is useful where there is apathy, anxiety and depression. Its nature
is to bring renewed optimism.
Lime was introduced into Europe from the orient and in the 16th century brought to the Americas by Portuguese and Spanish
explorers. The British were called "Limeys" because the navy used limes to prevent scurvy, a vitamin C deficiency. In Malaysia the
lime tree is considered the patron of actors.
Caution: Never apply undiluted essential oils to the skin. Do not apply before direct exposure to the sun it increases photo sensitivity.
Dilute before applying to the skin or taking in a bath.