Petitgrain oil is in general non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing and non-phototoxic.
The chemical components of petitgrain oil are geraniol, linalool, nerol, y-terpineol, geranyl acetate, linalyl acetate, myrcene, neryl acetate and trans-ocimene.
Petitgrain oil is extracted from the fresh leaves, small twigs by steam distillation and yields 0.5 - 1 %.
It is widely used in pharmaceutical products and perfumery and is the classic ingredient of eau-de-cologne.
Petitgrain oil is extracted from the leaves of the tree but was once extracted from the green unripe oranges, when they were still the size of cherries, hence the name Petitgrain or 'little grains.'
This is one of the three oils obtained from the orange tree, the others are from the flowers and from the rind of the fruit.
Petitgrain oil has a woody and at the same time a florally smell. The color of the oil is pale yellow to amber and it is watery in viscosity.
This crisp and clear essential oil is most useful to boost the conscious intellectual side of your mind, while calming anger and panic. Its relaxing properties help to calm rapid heartbeat and insomnia while clearing greasy skin and fighting skin blemishes.
On this page
Our petitgrain oil is extracted from Citrus aurantium var. amara (also known as Citrus bigardia and petitgrain bigarade) of the Rutaceae family.
US$ 11.50 for 11 ml
Petitgrain essential oil information
US$ 11.50 for 11 ml
Raw Material: | Flowers |
Ingredient (Peel): | Orange |
Ingredient (Flowers): | Orange |