Uses: Anise is said to promote digestion, improves appetite, alleviates cramps and nausea, cough, colds, and relieves flatulence, bad breath, and, especially in infants, colic. It is said to be
useful as an expectorant for coughs. Said to promote the onset of menstruation when taken as an infusion. It has also been used to help relieve cramping, and spasms and is good as a stomatic. For
help in cases of insomnia, a few seeds in a glass of hot milk before bedtime. Can be made into a salve to use for relief of scabies or lice. A tea made from equal parts of anise, caraway, and
fennel makes an excellent intestinal purifier. Because of its sweetness, it is a good additive to help to improve the flavor of other medicinal compounds. Anise essential oil, Illicium verum,
blends well with rose, lavender, orange, and spicy essentials.It has a distinctive scent of . rich and sweet. Cautions - for those with hypersensitive skin or with skin problems. Avoid in
endometriosis and oestrogen-dependent cancers. Properties - antiseptic, carminative, expectorant, insect repellant, stimulant.
Common Name - Anise Essential Oil
Botanical Name - Illicium verum