we sell, manufactures, produces and supplies refined sunflower oil forhuman consumption and cooking. our oil is well refined 100% and pureedible sunflower oil. we sell at very good rate and we
exports anssupplies to all part of the countries to customers preferred port ofdestination as long as customers are serious enough to oblige and agreeto our feasible terms and conditions of
wesell the refined sunflower oil for 500euro per MT and we also offer allsizes of packaging to customers and customize labellings to suitscustomers descriptions. get in touch with us and let us
offer you thebest product at a very reliable and affordable rates.
100% refined sunflower oil you can get from us. Well edible and good for cooking and consumption.
Type: | Refined Sunflower Oil |
yellow: | yellow |
Model Number: | 1983/12/dc |
Brand Name: | oil |
Place of Origin: | Cameroon |
Category: | Nut & Seed Oil |
Type: | Sunflower Oil |