Lemon Essential Oil
Name Lemon oil, Italy
cultivar "Plant Lemon-1",
fam. Rutaceae
Part Peel
Method Expressed
Class Monoterpene
Country Italy
Lemon oil
The traditional empirical and anecdotal narrative for Lemon is that it has a clarifying quality, good for mental fatigue, listlessness
or emotional confusion. The aroma alone stimulates the mind, improving intellectual performance. It captures rays of joy that
brighten fearful and depressed states.
The holy wars of the early middle ages were a source of rich treasures brought back to Europe by the Crusaders, the humble lemon
was amongst them. Lemon is employed in pharmaceuticals, soaps, perfumes and cosmetics. Lemons nature is one of joy and
Caution: Never apply undiluted essential oils to the skin. Do not apply before direct exposure to the sun it increases photo
sensitivity. Dilute before applying to the skin or taking in a bath.
l o v e A R O M A T H E R A P Y
Lemon 1oz(+12.38) 4oz(+36.56) 1lb(+109.71) 1kg(+127.65)
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The holy wars of the early middle ages were a source of rich treasures brought back to Europe by the Crusaders