Apart from perfumery, rose oil is also used in various preparation like Ayurved, Unani and other pharmacoias.
This is the most modern method of distillation and suitable for large scale production of oil. The whole plant consist of three units, a boiler, distillation unit and acohobation unit. Flower are charged in the distillation unit and distilled after passing through a receiver fed to another still through cohobation column to ensure complete recovery of oil. The part of the oil is also collected from first receiver and the remaining from the second/It is advantageous to collect the distillate from the second separator and feed back it to the distillation tank in place of fresh water. Complete distillation in boiler operated distillation unit takes 4-5 hrs. The oil recovery varies from 0.025%-0.03%. depending upon the capacity of the boiler, the unit may cost Rs. 7-9 lacs. The other advantage with the system is that several distillation unit can be connected with the boiler.
3.Boiler Operated Unit (Steam Distillation)
The unit consists of a kettle (still), a column, condenser and receiver. The whole unit can be of copper or stainless steel. The capacity of still may range from 100-250 Kg flower per batch. To increase the fuel efficiency and to generate sufficient steam, fume tube are fitted in the bottom of the still. The outlet of the receiver is connected with the column to recycle the condensate into the still, after the separation of oil takes place in the receiver. This process is known cohobation which has been found to improve the recovery of oil. The plant is simple in operation and can be operated by a semi skilled worker. Direct fired plant may cost Rs. 2.5-3.0 lacs, if made for out of stainless still. The plant takes about 4-6hrs per batch for completion of distillation.
2. Direct Fired Distillation Unit (Hydro-steam Distillation)
Mejority of rose distillation in India use traditional distillation equipment which consist of found kettle (Deg) and a receiver (Bhapka) which also severs the purpose of condencer. These are made of copper .The kettle and the receiver are connected with bamboo(chonga) through which steam from kettle reaches to the receiver. The receiver is placed in a small water tank, Which helps in the condensation of vapours containing rose oil. The kettle has a capacity of 50-100 Kg flower per batch and takes about 6-8 hours to complete the distillation. After distillation is over the receiver is removed and oil is separated. This method gives a recovery of 0.01-0.015% which is significantly lower than the other methods described later.
Deg and Bhapka Method (Hydro-Distillation)
Depending upon the strain geographical region of cultivation and management practices, considerable variation may occur in the composition of oil 1.
And rose oxide (1-1.3%). There are several minor constituents which are present in traces in the oil.
Nerol (8-12%), linallol (1.5-2.7%), methyl eugenol (2.0-2.5%), eugenol (0.5-1.0%),
Major chemical constituents of rose oil are citronellol(22-32%), geraniol (12-15%),
Optical Rotation : :-1 -4
Congealing point : +18*C-+23.5*C.
Refractive Index : 1.452-1.466. (at 25*C)
Sp. Gravity : 0.849-0.870. (at 30*C)
Appearance : Light yellow, occasionally slight greenish, transparent
True rose oil is a light yellow, occasionally slight greenish and semi solid at room temperature. The odour of the rose oil is very pleasant, powerful and characteristics of fresh roses and the flower is sweet and somewhat honey like. The physical properties of the oil are.
Physico-Chemical Properties
As soon as the harvesting is over flower are taken to distillation plint fop processing. In case, there is delay in processing, flower should be spread at low temperature and water should be sprinkled to avoid the loss of oil through evaporation or flower should be dipped in water tank and same water will be used in distillation. In India, three different methods are in practiced for the processing of rose oil.
try rose oil to get through more products
Model Number: | N/A |
Brand Name: | N/A |
Brand Name: | N/A |
Place of Origin: | Uttar Pradesh India |
Ingredient (Flowers): | Scented Geranium |
Raw Material: | Flowers |
Type: | Pure Essential Oil |