Lavender Bulgarian Wild Essential Oil
Name Lavender Oil, Bulgarian Wild
fam. Lamiaceae
Part Flowering Tops
Method Steam Distillation
Class Monoterpenol/Monterpenol
Lavender Oil
l o v e A R O M A T H E R A P Y
The traditional empirical and anecdotal narrative for Lavender is it may calm and balance strong emotions such as frustration,
irritability, nervous anxiety, panic, hysteria and insomnia. It appears to cleanse and soothe the heart, allowing for a release of anger,
the emotion which so often a cause for severe depression.
Lavender has long been associated with spiritual love which encourages forgiveness and compassion, allowing for the full creative
composure and expression of ones individual self. Lavender's loving aroma is often considered a favorite for women and children.
Lavender's nature is to heal and release all discord which may arise in our physical, emotional and spiritual lives.
Caution: Never apply undiluted essential oil to the skin. Avoid during pregnancy.
Lavender Bulgarian Wild 1oz(+26.39) 4oz(+74.68) 1lb(+224.03) 1kg(+469.22)
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The traditional empirical and anecdotal narrative for Lavender is it may calm and balance strong emotions such as frustration