Product name: Lemon essential oil
Manufacturer: Pioneer Herb Industrial Co., Ltd
Character: Lemon oil has a sharp, fresh smell, is pale greenish-yellow in color and is watery in viscosity.
Lemon essential oil information
Lemon essential oil is extracted from the Citrus limonum (also known as Citrus Limon), of the Rutaceae family and is also known as cedro oil (which refers to terpeneless oil).
This clean smelling citrus essential oil is not only good for helping you make decisions and to improve your concentration, but cuts down on acidity in the body - thereby assisting the digestion,
as well as with rheumatism, arthritis and gout, while also sorting out cellulite, abscesses, boils, carbuncles and acne.
A native of India, this evergreen tree grows up to about 6 meters (20 feet) and has dark green serrated oval leaves with pink/white flowers that are highly perfumed. The trees have thorns and
fruit that turn from green to yellow on ripening.
The name is derived from the Arabic 'laimun' or the Persian 'limun'. The tree was brought to Europe by the Crusaders in the Middle Ages and the fruit has a good content of vitamins A, B and C -
an ounce a day was given to sailors in the Royal Navy to alleviate scurvy and other vitamin deficiencies.
In Japan, it is used in diffusers in banks to reduce worker-error and it is a popular flavoring agent for food and perfumes.
Lemon oil is extracted from the fresh fruit peel by cold expression.
Lemon oil helps to fight against infections, aids the digestive system, soothes headaches, migraines and muscular problems and clears greasy skin and hair.
Lemon oil has a sharp, fresh smell, is pale greenish-yellow in color and is watery in viscosity.