Care must be taken when buying neroli oil, as many suppliers adulterate the oil to increase their profits, as it is a strong smelling oil and even when diluted still has the most incredible smell. The oil sold by us is unadulterated and 100% pure.
Neroli oil has a sweet, floral and slightly haunting aroma, the color is pale yellow and the viscosity is watery.
As with lavender, this essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils, as it not only has great therapeutic properties, but also has the most incredible smell. It has a greatly relaxing effect on the body and mind, relieving muscle spasms, calming heart palpitations and has a wonderful rejuvenating and regenerative effect on the skin, helping to prevent ugly scarring and fighting stretch marks.
On this page
Our neroli oil is extracted from the flowers of Citrus aurantium var. amara (also known as Citrus vulgaris and C. Bigardia) of the Rutaceae family and is also known as orange flower and Neroli bigarade.
US$ 17.00 for 11 ml
Neroli essential oil information
US$ 17.00 for 11 ml
Raw Material: | Flowers |
Ingredient (Peel): | Orange |
Ingredient (Flowers): | Orange |