Sweet Fennel Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential oils can also be used in soap making ingredients, lotions, massage oils, diffusers, potpourri, scent, air fresheners, body fragrance, perfume oils, aromatherapy products, bath oils, towel scenting, spa's, incense, light rings, laundry, facial steams, hair treatments, and more.
All of our oils are 100% pure and natural, of therapeutic grade and free from any chemicals or pesticides. Although all of our products are of premium quality, our essential oils are not certified organic.
Essential oils packing:
Properties - Aperitif, anti-flammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminantive, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, galactagogue, laxativeorexigenic, stimulant (circulatory), splenic, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge.
Cautions - Non-irritant, relatively non-toxic, narcotic in large doses; bitter fennel may cause sensitization. Bitter fennel oil should not be used on the skin at all, although it is considered superior medicinally. Neither oil should be used by epileptics or during pregnancy. Use in moderation.
Fennel essential oil, Foeniculum vulgare dulce, blends well with the following essential oils: , , , and .
Uses - Fennel essential oil, Foeniculum vulgare dulce, is considered good for obstructions of the liver, spleen and gall bladder and digestive complaints. Can be used locally for conjunctivitis, blepharitis and pharyngitis.On account of its aromatic and carminative properties, Fennel fruit is chiefly used medicinally with purgatives to allay their tendency to griping and for this purpose forms one of the ingredients of the well-known compound Liquorice Powder. Fennel water has properties similar to those of and water: mixed with sodium bicarbonate and syrup, these waters constitute the domestic 'Gripe Water,' used to correct the flatulence of infants. Volatile oil of Fennel has these properties in concentration. Fennel is also largely used for cattle condiments. It is one of the plants which is said to be disliked by fleas, and powdered Fennel has the effect of driving away fleas from kennels and stables. The plant gives off ozone most readily.
General: - Fennel is a biennial or perennial herb up to 2m high with feathery leaves and golden yellow flowers. Essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from crushed seeds or the whole herb. Fennel will thrive anywhere, and a plantation will last for years.
- Steam Distillation
- Seeds
Parts Used
- India
Country of Origin
- Foeniculum vulgare dulce
Botanical Name
- Fennel Essential Oil
Common Name
Fennel Essential Oil:
Sweet, somewhat spicy, licorice-like (Anise) aroma. Possible Uses: Bruises, cellulites, flatulence, gums, halitosis, mouth,
Package: | 5 ml, 10 ml, 25 ml or any pack asked by customer. Minimum order in our label 1000 and in private label 5000Bulk packing is also available. |
Brand Name: | Ecoplanet |
Place of Origin: | Maharashtra, India |
Raw Material: | Flowers |