Tea tree oil has long been used in traditional medicine, and it is one of the most remarkable and versatile of chemicals. What makes tea tree oil unique is that it is effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Few other substances share this important distinction. The tea tree, from which tea tree oil derives its common name, is native to Australia, and the indigenous peoples of the region have traditionally used the oil to treat a number of skin conditions, from eczema to acne to cuts and bruises. Many of the most valuable uses of tea tree oil have to do with the skin. Tea tree oil is used in many acne preparations, and it can reduce the redness, swelling and lesions often associated with this common skin condition. In addition, tea tree oils can be highly effective at treating dandruff. Some dandruff sufferers prefer to add a few drops of concentrated tea tree oil to their favorite shampoo, and many, report that the results are just as good as using a more expensive dandruff shampoo.
Tea Tree Oil
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