Lemon Oil (Citrus Limonum) This oil is obtained by cold pressing of the lemon peel, and has a crisp citrus scent. It is native to India, and widely cultivated in the Mediterranean countries. It is
used for colds, head aches, stomach infections, skin care, indigestion, fever, circulatory problems, arteriosclerosis, diaphoretic and diuretic draughts, gargle in sore throat, in pruritis of the
scrotum, in uterine haemorrhage after delivery, as a lotion in sunburn. It treats hiccough, jaundice and hysterical palpitation of the heart. The decoction is a good antiperiodic, useful in
malarial conditions, reducing temperature in typhoid. It aids in alertness and productivity when inhaled. It is given to counteract narcotic poisons, especially opium. It is antiseptic,
anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and astringent.
Lemon Oil