Product name: Ginger essential oil
Manufacturer: Pioneer Herb Industrial Co., Ltd
Character: Ginger oil can vary in color from pale yellow to a darker amber color and the viscosity also ranges from medium to watery. It is a strong smelling oil - spicy, sharp, warm and with a
hint of lemon and pepper, which smells of actual ginger.
Ginger essential oil information
Ginger essential oil is extracted from the plant Zingiberaceae officinale of the Zingiberaceae family and is also known as Common or Jamaica Ginger
This warming essential oil is often used for digestive problems, as well as nausea - be that morning sickness or travel upset. It is also of value when treating colds and flu and especially for
catarrhal lung conditions and rheumatic pain. It can also be used on the skin to help clear bruises.
The plant is said to originate from India, China and Java, yet is also native to Africa and the West Indies. It was most likely brought to Europe between the 10th and 15th century as a condiment
and spice.
Ginger is a perennial herb and grows to about 3 - 4 feet high with a thick spreading tuberous rhizome. Every year it shoots up a stalk with narrow spear-shaped leaves, as well as white or yellow
flowers growing directly from the root.
It has been used as a medicine since very early times and is recorded in both Sanskrit and Chinese texts and is also mentioned in the literature of the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Arabians.
Asian medicine uses dried ginger for stomach problems such as stomach-ache, diarrhea, and nausea. The Chinese also use it to boost the heart and to help with mucus and phlegm.
The name ginger is said to be derived from the Gingi district in India, where tea made from ginger is used for stomach upsets.
The oil is extracted by means of steam distillation from the unpeeled or dried, ground-up root (rhizome) of the plant, and can yield about 2 - 4 % oil.
Ginger oil is well suited to help ease colds and flu, nausea, motion sickness, morning sickness, muscle aches and pains, as well as poor circulation and arthritic pain.
Its warming qualities are good to use for feelings of loneliness and winter depression, and its energizing properties make it a good aphrodisiac.
Ginger essential oil can vary in color from pale yellow to a darker amber color and the viscosity also ranges from medium