We are an licenced export crude palm oil company from Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia. Sabah being the most palm oil production state among the states in Malaysia, with production over 5 million tonnes
per year being 35% of Malaysia production or 15% of the world CPO production. If you are looking for a long term supply, we able to meet your demand.Please do state your quantity and quality of
crude palm oil that you are looking for. We accept international standby letter of credit follow by letter of credit. Our price is quote at FOB Sandakan by reference to the CPO commodity market
(CPO Future) plus the government export tax. You are allow to send any representative here if you wish for carrying any inspection duty for your consignment.Please do not hesitate to contact us at
the following address should you need any quantity and quality of any palm oil products here. We would be appreciated if you can furnish us your demanded quantity and quality (type of palm oil) by
writing to the following address.Our managing director will attend to your order.
Selling crude and refined palm oil