We offer highly aromatic mentha citrata oil. Our mentha citrata is used in perfumes, detergents and soaps. Its details are as following: CAS number : 68917 - 15 - 7 Botanical source : Mentha
citrata ( Bergamot mint oil )Appearance : Slightly yellowish , pale liquid .Odour : Sweet fresh clear lavender bergamot.Specific gravity at 15 oC : 0.916 - 0.924Optical rotation : -70 to
-80Refractive index at 20 oC : 1.4582 - 1.4598Acid number : up to 8.0Ester number : 94.0 - 211.0Solubility : in 1.5 to 2.0 vol. of 70% alcohol and in 5 vol. of 60% alcoholMain constituents : -
Linalyl Acetate 38 % - 42 % - Linalool 35 % - 40 % - Terpenes 7.0 % - 9.0 %Use : Used in perfumes , detergents , soaps , etc.Solubility & stability : Keep in tightly closed container in a cool and
dry place, protected from light. When stored for more than 12 months, quality should be checked before use.
Mentha Citrata Oil