Essence of Bend Over: Bend over- a curious name for a vintage, old time, conjure formula. This name usually gets the most snickers. Use this formula when a compelling or commanding spell will just not do the trick! The original Essence formula was actually an alcohol-based perfume. Over time, and keeping true to the traditional ingredients an assortment of Bend- Over products have been created. Use against those that shame, intimidate, or humiliate others. There are a variety of ways to lay down tricks utilizing Essence of Bend Over. Some hoodoo-ers will smear the oil on a door knob, or on an enemy's chair. A line of the powder can be laid across the threshold of a doorway where the intended person will step. If used correctly, this formula is said to bend others to your will. This formula is used in a wide variety of spells, influencing anyone from your boss to a straying lover. Essence of Bend Over is known to be the most intimate, and binding of the Commanding formulas. This formula is blended using an original formula, but is sold here as a curio only. (Also comes in a Powder).
Essence of Bend Over oil-$7.99
Essence of Bend Over oil-$7.99 |