Marketing Puakhun Co.,Ltd provides an "Elite" alternatives herbalhealth care product, Cosmaceutical products and cosmetic that are madeof herbs and nature within Thailand
One of the product in the bath section is a herbal mangosteen soap.Extraction from the dry Mangosteen peel (plus other 6 Thai ancientherbs) is proved to help controlling infected acne, germs and
itchyskin. The soap itself has Xanthone, Tanin and mangostin as naturalsubstances from the 7 mentioned Thai herbs. The recipes of the soap hasbeen secretly lerned from generations for centuries in
Thailand withonly Thai local ingredients.It is 100% organic, we do not use anychemical fertilizer or other chemical substances in order to grow ourmangosteen trees in the hill of the southern part
of Thailand where ithas the highest density Ozone rate ever studied in Thailand.
The features:
1. Clean up the body
2. Able to use as a facial cleaning soap (For all face skin type)
3. Clean a light make up
4. Able to use as an anti fungus soap when apply to the infected areas and leave for a few minutes.
Please give me a message for further more information. I look forward to seeing a very serious and positive long term relationship with serious business people around the globe.
Premium Grade Mangosteen Soap with 7 types of Local secret herbs. All ingredients are grown "without" chemical.