Alcohol-Free: Non-drying to skin. Unique patented SAB formulation soothes skin while killing germs. Non-irritating, non-toxic, non-flammable.
Kills 99.99% of germs in seconds, including bacteria, fungi and viruses
Has persistence of activity - continues to work after drying off (hand sanitizers that use alcohol as the active ingredient lose their germ-killing power once the
alcohol evaporates)
Effectiveness increases with repeated use throughout the day (unlike alcohol-based hand sanitizers which decrease in effectiveness with repeated use as they dry out hands and
strip away natural protective oils)
- Available in touch-free automatic dispensers (on stands or wall mounted), and pump bottles of 1.8L, 8oz, 1.8oz and 0.5oz. Sanitizer dispenser stands are
ideal for events, functions or locations with high human traffic.
he ONLY instant hand sanitizer available that is documented to meet and exceed US FDA 21 CFR 333.470 performance standards
instant hand sanitizer
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