This hand cleaner is a neutral orange-based degreaser adapted for easy-cleaning without water. As a hand-cleaner it contains orange peel extract which has the ability to clean and degrease
efficiently other than to produce its unique fragrant signature. its gel-texture allows easy cleaning in a waterless environment. As Emulgen Orangel Gel does not contain any toxic solvents, its
protects a human hand from skin-aggressions that are normally associated to usage of other commonly used petroleum-based hand-cleaners such as kerosene that is known to be harmful to human skin.
Not only its cleans, it also protect the hands!
- pH: 6-8
- Aspect: Opaque light yellow-coloured ; orange fragrant
- Active L 60-61.5% w/w
- Shelf-life of 1 year. (during storage product ages and may displany a darker side; a layer of transparent oil may also be seen)
- Storage: Do not expose product direct heat or store product at above 35'C temperature
- Non-abrasive
- Does not contain any harmful acid, free alkalis or hydrocarbon-based solvents
- Phosphate-free
- Neutral based ( water-based) and 100% biogreadable*
- Safe; time saving; money saving
- Lower price
*Product were teated successfully by Universiti Putra Malaysia based on the Department of Environment Standard B test for BOD,COD and TOC.
Orange Gel is a neutral based orange extract hand-cleaner designed to degrease your hands from oil and grease