Coconut oil is an edible oil that has been consumed in tropical placesfor thousands of years. Studies done on native diets high in coconutconsumption show that these populations are generally in
good health,and don't suffer from many of the modern diseases of tropical nations.
Coconutoil was once prevalent in tropical countries like the Indonesia aswell. With a long shelf life and a melting point of 76 degrees, it wasa favorite in the baking industry. But a negative
campaign againstsaturated fats in general, and the tropical oils in particular, LED tomost food manufacturers abandoning coconut oil in recent years in favorof the polyunsaturated oils that come
from the main cash crops in theIndonesia, particularly soy. These polyunsaturated oils were not a bigpart of the diet of previous generations.
Coconut oil is taken fromthe crushing of fine copra. This is the most healthiest and zerocholesterol oil, other then vegetable
Coconut oil is an edible oil that has been consumed in tropical places for thousands of years. Studies done on native diets high
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