Salt is one of the important raw materials for the soap. detergent and glycerin industry. In soap and glycerin manufacturing process, after the saponification reaction, soap is washed with
concentrated brine solution (NaCl) to separate glycerin.Almost as a rule, the solubility of soap in water increases with an increase in the size of monovalent cation, an increase in divalent cation
(Mg, Ca ) results in a decrease in the solubility. In general, an increase in the water solubility is accompanied by increase in the softness and mushiness properties of soap. Ca & Mg are usually
known as major impurities of Sodium Chloride, and during the manufacturing of soap, these divalent ions replace the monovalent ions and cause problems in the solubility of soap.Hub-Pak is
manufacturing 5 different grades of salt for soap, detergent and glycerin Industries. The grades start from Ca and Mg free grades and there are many other grades which fulfill the quality
requirements of the Soap manufacturers. Sodium Chloride is used by some formulators in detergent manufacturing, its main function being as inert "filler". In spray-drying applications, NaCl is used
to control slurry viscosity and density of the spray-dried beads or granules.HUB-PAK is manufacturing many special grades as per the requirement of the customers. For the detergents manufacturing,
there are numerous factors for which the quality of salt plays an important role as, being a filler, it is directly in contact with the product which in other words means, it reaches the end user.
Salt is one of the important raw materials for the soap