It is an instant antibacterial hand washing detergent based on alcohol. It contains 70% v/v ethyl alcohol designs to eliminate the instance contamination after hand contact on possible medical
bacterial sources. It works specially for medical professional and medical environment: such as hospital, medical clinic, patient ward, medical laboratory, medical university, ambulance, nursing
facility, daycare facility, food processing, cooking area in restaurant, hotel etc where a high level of hand hygiene is required.It makes hand washing so easy that without need of water and soap.
Just apply a small quantity of it on hands and let it spread all of area by rub well until dry.It effectively and rapidly reduces the number of bacteria on the surface of skin and evaporates
quickly, but leave a non-greasy protective film. That hand wash contains natural emollients that moisturize the skin. Its ingredients are biodegradable without toxics. No fragrance is added. It is
formulated in accordance with Canadian Food Inspection Agency Standards and cosmetic product regulations.
An easy use antibacterial hand wash without water and soap. It kill bacteria on hand and eliminate the contamination of bacteria