Our products break into two categories: hand sanitizers and antiseptic rubs and dispensers.
Our ManoSeptic products offer hand sanitizers and antiseptic rubs. We feature the first on the marketplace, surgical strength Germfighter, an isopropyl alcohol based hand sanitizer.
Offering European technology, it contains lanolin and other natural emollients to freshen and protect skin. No matter how often the product is used, hands are continuously sanitized and and
MeanoSeptic is our water based, alcohol free antiseptic rub. The active agent, benzalkonium chloride, is broadly effective against 99.999% disease pathogens and offers long lasting
protection. Less product is used as a result. Natural emollients and Alse vera nourishes skin offering healthful results. This product out performed the competition in challengn
testing. This alcohol free product is suitable for use with children, in school settings as well as food preparation environments. This product is fragrance free.
ManoSeptic Esto is our surgicql strength isopropyl alcohol based antiseptic rub. With the addition of bennzalkonium chloride, ManoSeptic Esto out performs the competition, while offering long
term protection. Skin is nourished with natural emollients and Aloe Vera providing a wonderful finished result on skin. This product is 99.999% effective against disease causing
pathogens. This product is available with fragrance as well as fragrance free.
GermFighter is our "fisrt on the on the market" hand sanitizer, its active agent being 70 percent isopropyl alcohol. Its surgical strength activity offers protection within 15 seconds,
providing natural emollients to maintain health skin health. It is effective against 99.999% of diseasing causing pathogens. It is a product that can be used numerous times a day
without concern for integrity of skin.
Our products break into two categories: hand sanitizers and antiseptic rubs and dispensers.