Cleansing is the vital first step in your skincare routine. It frees skin of dirt and oil, opens pores, lets skin breathe-and prepares skin to get the most out of other skincare. The wrong
cleanser or too much cleansing, can strip your skin, washing away the good(essential lipids and moisture) with the bad(excess oil and impurities). Dry skin becomes drier, irritated, tight.
Only skin is stimulated to produce more oil. The disruption of the moisture balance can actually speed up signs of aging. But, DIVINO CLEAN & CLEAN is different. Each is specially formulated to cleanse without stripping. So skin feels completely, comfortably clean - never dried out or tight. And it stays looking younger, longer (Cleansing Bar) |
Especially formulated to gently cleanse the skin and fight bacteria. The rich foaming penetrates and removes deep-seated impurities. DIVINO CLEAN & CLEAN purifies and invigorates the skin
and senses with a natural blend of Tea tree oil, Chamomile extracts, and an exhilarating plant-drived aroma. Use daily to prevent unwanted blemishes. Nano sized silver particles penetrate deep into your skin layer, allowing your skin to keep clean and to have antibacterial day care. |
What a feeling |
DIVINO CLEAN & CLEAN is hypo-allergenic and contains no colors, preservatives or dyes. Its gentle pH balanced formulation and 100% Japan refined palm oil helps retain the skin's natural moisture without stripping or tightening your skin. |
Nano sized silver particles speeds away make up residues in pores and "bad" surface oils that can clog pores and cause shine- while it protects the "good" lipids that keep skin's delicate moisture balance intact. |
Nano Silver Soap
Feature: | Basic Cleaning |
Ingredient: | Herbal |