Price: ?20.00 / $40.00 (Inc VAT )Quantity:This price includes all taxation and full Postage and Packing rates.The Nephria Jade Beauty Bar is the world's most luxurious, exquisite and extravagant
Beauty Bar, made from Nephrite Jade.Nephria - made with the finest Nephrite Jade.With unique ingredients, including Nephrite (Jade powder), together with pure oils from apricot, olive and jojoba,
the Nephria Jade Beauty Bar cleanses, revitalises, rejuvenates and reinvigorates the skin and complexion. Containing Chitosan, which in cosmetic products is cherished for its highly effective
moisturising factors, it helps to reduce the skin from showing signs of ageing. The Bar also contains substantial amounts of Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant, protecting the cells from
free radicals, which can cause damage. Vitamin E is also used to great effect for skin treatments in helping the skin look younger.Gliding on like silk while moisturising your skin, the Bar also
has the ability to remove toxins. Other benefits of daily cleansing with the Nephria Jade Beauty Bar are:- revival of the skin colour;- improvement in the skin's moisture and lipid balance;-
calming debilitating skin problems such as inflammation and acne.
The Nephria Jade Beauty Bar is the world's most luxurious, exquisite and extravagant Beauty Bar, made from Nephrite Jade.