The antioxidant effects of olive oil is remarkable in its use in the manufacturing of cosmetics together with being a natural food. Olive oil soap is highly effective for the skin to retain its
mositure, shine and elasticity; and is specially recommended by dermatologists.
Termes Olive Oil Soap;
- has no fragrance or colorings added to retain the natural smell and color of the pure olive oil soap;
- is thoroughly handmade without any incorporation of animal fat and chemical additives;
- generates a fine and silky foam; contains endogenous antioxidants, vitamin and minerals, preventing aging of the skin, dandruff formation, and hair loss;
- the process byproduces glycerine which extra moistens the hair and skin and provides a silky softness as well as cleansing.
Recommended to be used with all types of skin for the face and the body.
Natural, handmade olive oil soap, no fragrance or coloring added
olive oil
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