1. Ag ions' germ killing function
Ag ions are carried and adhered by CI ions to the surface of a germ. The germ's protoplasm is oxidized by dissolved oxygen, during which Ag ions plays a role of catalyst. The specific process of Ag
ions killing germs is as follows.
a. Functional groups such as COOH, -SH are formed by the dehydrogenase of the oxidized protoplasm.
b. Carboxylic acids (COOH) of theograph nucleic acid joined with Ag ions kill germs by incapacitating their activity level.
c. During germs' oxygen metabolism oxygen and sulpforhydry (SH) groups are combined and form R-S-S-R bonds to block germs' breathing and electron movement, and to destroy the function of the
enzyme. Without oxygen metabolism, germs are unable to breathe, and suffocate to death.
That is, once Ag ions as the smallest corpuscles are carried and adhered to germs' cells, after passing through human cells, reach the degree of saturation, they quickly penetrate into germs and
exert immunological action through non-specific immune responses as well as sterilizing action. The immunological action occurs in the order of saturation, sterilization and antibody formation.
This takes approximately one week by high density Ag ions and two weeks by low density Ag ions.
2. When using Ag ions together with antibiotics and antimicrobial
a. Firstly, they increase Ag ion's penetration to germs' cell membrane.
b. Antibiotics and antimicrobial conduct sterilizing action with a focus on cell activity protein, whereas Ag ions work on oxygen metabolism enzymes. With different functions together they readily
exert stronger effects of germ killing. Ag ions are incomparably better than other antimicrobial methods.
Product name
Colloidal Ag soap 100g (including moisture content)
This product is made by the following process: after active ingredients are accurately mixed, 99.9% Ag solution is added during the soap-making reaction process. The functional substances effective
for disinfection and moisturizing, and the Ag solution, which is extracted through a high-voltage process, contained in the product have, by the action of silver (natural antibiotics), excellent
anti-bacterial and disinfecting effects, and are effective for pimples, and oily and combination skin types.
This product is made by the following process: after active ingredients are accurately mixed,
Place of Origin: | Gangwon-do, South Korea |
Ingredient: | Herbal |