viruses and germs when there is no time or opportunity to wash. CLARUS Instant Hand Sanitizer also removes the mild dirt that collects on hands without soap and water. CLARUS Instant Hand Sanitizer
is as safe on hands as regular soap and water and you can use it as often as you need. Specially formulated with moisturizers, CLARUS Instant Hand Sanitizer leaves hands feeling soft and
refreshed.CLARUS Instant Hand Sanitizer is a self-drying gel; therefore there is no soap, water or towel required. The dry hands are so clean that one can eat with them.CLARUS Instant Hand
Sanitizer removes lasting cigarette smells, garlic and other odours, thus a useful tool in social situations.CLARUS Instant Hand Sanitizer in gel form reaches the crevices of the palms thus killing
hidden germs from it.
an anti bacterial hand sanitizer on contact instantly kills 99.9 % of bacteria
instant hand sanitizer
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