Billie Goat SoapBaby Billie SoapAs seen on Current AffairCherish the health of your baby's skin with pure natural goat's milk.Goat's milk has a ph very similar to our skin's own ph, making it a
very gentle skin loving ingredient.Goat's milk is high in vitamin A, B6 and B12 and it contains niacin, potassium, and the antioxdiant selenium.It is an ideal choice for people who have sensitive
skin.This soap in paticular is wonderful for people with sensitive skin, eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis, very soothing for the skin.the soap also contains lactic acid, which helps to exfoliate ,
cleanse , and soften the skin. Lactic acid is of great value in stimulating skin cell renewal and in smoothing the skins surface.Hand Made soap using traditional methods made from fresh goat's
milkmade with added vitamin Enot made with colours or fragrancefree of synthetic preservativesfree of sodium lauryl sulphatefree of parabensfree of propylene glycolnot animal testedpacked with two
bars in every boxBaby Billie Soap has 2 bars in each box.Ingredients--This soap was made with the help of Hilary the Goat--It contains saponfied olive oil, fresh goats milk, saponified sweet almond
oil, saponfied palm oil, saponified castor oil, sapoified grapeseed oil, and vitamin e.
Price: $9.95