Contains three types of active matter, anionic, cationic, and neutral surfactant so it deals with wide spectrum of dirties and fats which stuck in hands, so it cleans without any residue of food
and dirties. It leaves your skin smooth because of natural active moisturizers which protect your skin every time you use SUNOVA, it penetrates into the skins and keeps the suitable amount of
moisture inside and in the same time it dose not hurt the skin because of natural origin of these moisturizers. In addition, using SUNOVA daily protects from wide spectrum of bacteria that is
cumulated by rest of food. So, SUNOVA cleans, moisturizes, antisepticises and perfume your hand with fresh sent suitable to all inclinations because it is with seven natural scents: Jasmine
Chamomiles Rose Flowers Lilac Lemon Oud
hand soap
liquid hand soap
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