Froh - Enzyme Formula
This handmade soap provides the perfect cleansing agent for normal and oily skin. The natural antioxidants expel toxins allowing them to be safely removed from your skin. Containing natural Rice
Brand Enzyme, it offers a revitalized, rejuvenated skin and all natural deodorant while it removes all traces of oil and dirt a leading cause of blackheads and skin eruptions. Rice Brand Enzyme
gently exfoliates dead skin to leave skin soft and smooth. Helps reduce blemishes.
Directions: Use daily as a face and body wash.
Ingredients: Soap base, Glycerin, Enzymes, Vitamin E, Rice Bran Extract, Essential oil, cinnamon fragrance and cinnamon powder
Manufactured by: KRN Solution Co., Ltd., (under license of Bisheute Gruppe, Germany)
103 Sukhumvit 50 Rd., Klongtoey, Bangkok, Thailand T:+662 3322590/F:+662 3322591
Froh Cinnamon Soap-Enzyme Formula. This handmade soap provides the perfect cleansing agent.