It has a slight antiseptic property known to be askeratolytic agentwhich is a good exfoliating agent and can dry pimplesfaster. Lacticacid is also one of the main components which serves
asmoisturizer,increase hydration, boost humectancy, exfoliates andlighten skin. Ithas a whitening agent, anti-aging property and suncare properties. Italso contains an anti-oxidant which uses
Thus,the soap is very safe to use. It doesn'tcontain any harmful ingredientswhich makes our skin dry and wrinkled.It dries and heals pimples fastwithout leaving a pimple mark.
We'vetried and tested it for amonth, and it really proves it's worth indelivering a very good resultto users. It gently microexfoliates ourskin, without making it dry. Youwould feel your skin
moisturized,smooth and gives you instant glow.
Try It. The soap is not only for the face but for the whole body. This is an "ALL in ONE SOAP".
Safe to use also by pregnant women.
Contact me at : +639177210623
YM : blessru
Indulge and nourish your skin with the beautifying and whitening effects of St. Dalfour Soap.The MOTHER OF ALL SOAP!!!