Bali secret natural body scrub is made from the finest natural and herbal ingredients originating from bali. Each ingredient has been carefully selected and processed to give skin its needed
nutrition. Bali secret body scrub does not contain chemical, unnatural and petroleum derived fragrance, colorants or other synthetic substance.
The products conform to the international standards and regulations in USA and EU.
Frequent use of bali secret natural body scrubs will give long-lasting benefits to your skin. Each type of bali secret scrub is specially formulated to achieve a specific desired skin condition or
a specific health benefit, but common to bali secret body scrubs are the following benefits:
- removes dead cells to rejuvenate the skin
- thoroughly cleanses and refreshes skin
- nourishes skin and makes skin healthy
- moisturizes and lubricates skin, making it soft and smooth
- stimulates the immune system of skin to fight skin aliments
Specifically, each variant of bali secret scrub contains and provides the following benefits:
Milk scrub contains milk, olive oil and vitamin e. It removes dullness, lighten pigmentation and restore suppleness.
Fruit scrub contains star fruit, pineapple and lemon. The presence of strong anti-oxidant rejuvenate the skin and give a delicious and lingering aroma.
Spice scrub contains special herbs to stimulate blood circulation, generating heat for the body.
Lightening scrub contains special botanical extracts from bearberry, licorice and turnip that are natural whitening agents. These herbs combine to reduce dark pigmentation of the skin.
Bali secret natural body scrub is made from the finest natural and herbal ingredients originating fr
body scrub
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