Restylane SUBQ

Restylane is a safe cosmetic injection with hardly any adverseaftereffects. The most common side effects of using this cosmeticproduct is temporary soreness and swelling at the injection spot,something usual with all intra-dermal inoculations. The inconveniencenormally remains for a couple of days, but if it persists, make it apoint to consult your physician. However, the swelling may remain for alonger period when the cosmetic injection is used for lip rectification.

Restylane Side Effects

It is advisable not to take or buy Restylane medical injectionswithout consulting a physician and if the cosmetic injection is beingused to correct any deformity it is essential to have a meticulousexamination of the anatomy of the area where the injection is to beadministered by a specialist. In addition, remember never to use thiscosmetic product on affected or sore skin. Other than Restylane Perlaneand Restylane Touch/ Fine Lines, the cosmetic injection should not betaken with any other implant injection. Finally, never expose the areainjected with the cosmetic product to extreme heat or low temperaturesunless the redness and swelling of the area have subsided. Stop takingany high dosage of vitamin E, aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications orSt. Johns Wort a week before you take the cosmetic injection as theymay add to staining and bleeding from the injected area. Also rememberthat this cosmetic product has not yet been tried on pregnant andlactating women.

Restylane Precautions

Normally, treatment using Restylane cosmetic injections takes around30 minutes, but it may differ depending on the type of change youdesire. Restylane cosmetic injection is administered in little amountswith a long (30 gauge) needle. Although this cosmetic injection isavailable in two different intensity or potency 1 ml and 0.5 ml, bothenclose 20 mg/ ml of stabilized hyaluronic acid. While the cosmeticinjection (1 ml) that encloses approximately 100,000 gel units per mlis administered in the central part of the dermis, while Restylanemedical injections (0.5 ml) that enclose around 500,000 gel elementsevery ml is given in the upper dermis. If you are using Restylanecosmetic injection for sculpting lips, it is wise to use a localanesthesia. At the same time, it is important to note that anyone usingthis cosmetic product needs to use it for at least six months orpreferably for a year. The treatment with this cosmetic injection isonly a temporary affair with the results largely depending on the age,skin type and lifestyle of a person.

Restylane Dosage

Restylane is basically a cosmetic product that is available in drugstores as well as through online injection sellers. This medicalinjection is obtainable in different cosmetic product lines and each ofthem are developed for specific purposes and effects, includingsoftening minute facial lines, influencing the outline of the face andeven shaping lips to flawlessness. Restylane cosmetic injections areavailable in six different product lines Restylane (Plain), RestylanePerlane, Restylane Touch/ Fine Lines, Restylane Vital, Restylane Lippand Restylane Sub-Q. While Restylane Plain (1 ml and 0.5 ml) isrecommended for wrinkles and lips sculpture, Restylane Perlane (1 mland 0.5 ml) is used for shaping facial contours as well as lips.Restylane Touch/ Fine Lines (0.5 ml) is useful for erasing small worrylines, Restylane Vital (1.0 ml) for improving the suppleness of theskin, Restylane Lipp (1.0 ml) for rectifying lip defects and RestylaneSub-Q (1.0 ml) for shaping facial contours or adding volume to thechin. This cosmetic injection is administered in the middle portion ofthe dermis, deep layer or the surface of subcutis depending on therequirement. Before you buy Restylane, always remember to consult withyour physician for advice regarding the choice of the specific cosmeticinjection or a grouping of the cosmetic product line for most favorableresults.

Restylane Indications

Restylane is harmless and normal cosmetic injection that is used to overturn the consequences of aging either by lessening or eliminatingwrinkles and then replacing the loss of soft tissues. Cosmeticinjections like Restylane are also known as dermal fillers and comprisehyaluronic acid a natural element in the human body. The hyalyronicacid present in Restylane is a transparent jelly-like substance knownas Non-Animal Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid or NASHA that is totallywell-suited to the hyaluronc acid found in the human body. It isinteresting to note that this medical injection preserves its formutilizing the moisture of the body. In fact, the hyaluronic acidpresent in Restylane has the ability to reduce to a simpler molecularsubstance and this not only enables it to attach with water moreintimately, but also offers an enduring effect.

Restylane Description

Restylane is harmless and normal cosmetic injection that is used to overturn the consequences of aging...

  • Restylane Vital:$200.00 USD
  • Use:Body
  • Feature:Moisturizer
  • Gender:Female
  • Age Group:Adults
  • Form:Gel
  • Type:Other
  • Country:Panama
  • telephone:507-6619-6954
Delivery Time: Standard Fed Ex, TNT, DHL
Package: Assuming you are getting Restylane from a doctor that bought the Restylane from a licensed vendor in the USA, then the box would be white and blue. The syringe would contain 1.0 cc of a clear gelatinous fluid. There should be a label wrapped around the syringe that has information about your syringe that is made to be attached to your medical records.
Supply Ability: 20,000 Piece/Pieces per Year
Minimum Order Quantity: 1 Piece/Pieces
Payment Terms: T/T,Western Union,MoneyGram,Master, Visa, AMEX, Discover
Port: USA
FOB Price: US $200 - 250
Restylane Vital: $200.00 USD
Use: Body
Feature: Moisturizer
Gender: Female
Age Group: Adults
Form: Gel
Type: Other
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