It is a face-shaped solid mask sheet, with superior adherence, that is easy to use effectively. As a naturalbiosurfactant, sophorolipid produced through fermentation, Sopholine Mask Sheet helps
maintaining clean and healthy skin by responding actively to skin troubles while, at the same time, effectively maintaining moisture deep under the skin, which is a basic for aesthetic skin. It
also protects skin from various skin troubles caused by internal/external environments to which the moderners are exposed and helps maintaining healthy and aesthetic skin by vitalizing tired skin.
In addition, with the use of aromatherapy-type rosemary scent, it eases tiredness of a daily life by providing stability of mind and body and is also made to be hypoallergenic not to burden skin.
It is a face-shaped solid mask sheet, with superior adherence, that is easy to use effectively. As a naturalbiosurfactant, sopho