Fade dark marks, colour-blotches and age spots anywhere on the body.Fade Freckles, Acne and Pimple Marks.Fade dark lines associated with aging, wrinkles and laugh lines.Fade the darkness of tired
looking circles under eyes.Fade uneven dark tones on knees, elbows shoulders and neck.Fade shaving scars, razor bump marks and dark shadows.Fade Surface scars, liver spots and many other
discolorations.Fade tans and sun spots. Also very effective as a skin lightener.Control rashness and dryness.Helps & prevent discolorations forming.Make skin softer, brighter and more
attractive.Make you look years younger.For embarrassing stretch marks that result from pregnancy, weight change etc.
skin care.Gold Vera Gels is an anti mark gel that eliminates all kinds of skin discolorations.