We are representing of company M M GROUP and dirijimos us to You in order to offer for the purchase the new bracelets to him anti mosquitos, totally effective against Dengue and 140 varieties
different from mosquitos. The same are approved for the free sale by senasa and by anmat with qualification for the export, their components are devoid essential oils of proven effectiveness and
of toxicity which does recommended for the use in children small and sensible people especially. They are free of DEET; this component is the one of use more common in repulsive of insects and
problems of cutaneous irritation talk about, eyeglass and notices that the use in smaller children of 2 years can to cause neurological problems. They have a life utility of three weeks in its
total use, a 300% but that any other similar product. They are hipoalerg?nicas. They are resistant to the water. Recommended even for minors of two years by its low toxicity In case of being of
interest for You, we solicitd to him to put itself in contact by prices, amounts or by any doubt on the matter, with the detailed people in I cheeped of the present. The deliveries are immediate,
in casoque wishes to put the name of their company in the package of the product nonserious problem, only tardaria about 4 days plus the delivery. For its illustration him PowerPoint shipment in
attached file. Without another individual we greeted, it very attentamente.
Claudia Troiano