Get the lowest price!! pls message me!!!
problems that can be treated by Eumora:
* Acne
* Antiaging Age Spots
* Birthmarks
* Cellulite
* Chemical Peel
* Dark Eye Rings
* Dry Skin
* Eczema
* Freckles
* Frown Lines
* Hair Loss
* Large Pore
* Melasma
* Nail Problems
* Oily Skin
* Pigmentation
* Scars
* Spider Veins
* Skin Growths
* Skin Cancers
* Skin Laxity
* Skin Rash
* Stretchmarks
* Sun Spots
* Sweaty Palms
* Sweaty Underarms
* Uneven Skin Tone
* Varicose Veins
* Wrinkles
Directions to use
All you have to do is work the EUMORA facial bar into lather, gently massage into the skin, leave it on to permeate your skin for 3 minutes and wash off with
water. Admire the effects of EUMORA's conditioned skin in the mirror as it continues throughout the day!
This is amazing, EUMORA has already been in the market for over a year, and yet EUMORA's demand continues to double up as more and more customers are convinced by its remarkable results. Powered by
the Traders who thronged the SAB TRADERS CONVENTION, many learn more about the latest developments in the power of microalgae and its role in 21st century health. CEO, Stephen Ng was very pleased
to give tribute and share in the celebrations at the conventions, organised specially by SAB traders for all budding traders.
EUMORA facial bar,the miracle soap !!
1 box 100g / 1 minibar 25g: | new |
Use: | Eye |
Type: | Other |